AP: Bundy son facing arrest in separate criminal case

The son of a Nevada rancher who hosted an armed protest against federal agents is facing arrest in a separate incident stemming from his felony conviction on 2012 burglary and weapon charges, the Associated Press reports.

Cliven Lance Bundy, 34, was issued a contempt-of-court warrant on July 8 for failing to appear before a Clark County District Court judge overseeing a drug diversion program in Las Vegas.

While he knows he missed the court appearance, he told the AP that he had to undergo surgery that same day for a nerve pain condition. Additionally, he’s been recuperating since the operation at his parents’ Bunkerville home, located about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.

Bundy is the son of Cliven Bundy, the rancher who hosted a standoff between agents with with Bureau of Land Management in April who tried to confiscate cattle illegally grazing on federal land.

Cliven Bundy accumulated more than $1 million in grazing fees since he neglected to pay them since 1994.

Ultimately the armed militia groups prevailed in the standoff, however, the FBI is currently investigating the conflict to see which members of the militia pointed loaded weapons at law enforcement officers and federal agents.

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