‘Batkid Begins’ documentary follows the 5-year-old boy who saved San Francisco (VIDEO)

“Batkid Begins” is a documentary that follows the story of how then 5-year-old Miles “Batkid” Scott saved San Francisco from the hands of evil villains.

Miles took the world by storm last November when he donned a miniature bat-suit and battled crime around San Francisco. Nearly 25,000 volunteers participated in the Make-A-Wish foundation event, many dressing up as famous DC characters. But Miles’ adventures didn’t stop there, and the documentary aims to explore some of the untold stories, Laughing Squid reports.

Miles defeated the bad guys that day, but he also defeated an even more formidable foe: his Leukemia. The tiny superhero is currently in remission and is set to enter the first grade.

[ Laughing Squid ]

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