NRA Women’s Tatiana Whitlock talks low-light shooting in ‘Transition With a Handheld Light’ (VIDEO)

NRA Women’s Tatiana Whitlock talks about the importance of being armed with not only a gun, but also a light in “Transition With a Handheld Light.”

Whitlock, who is a NRA-certified basic pistol instructor and trained safety officer, says that one of the best reasons for carrying a light in low-light conditions is eliminating the element of surprise.

If it’s dark and an attacker is lurking in the bushes outside your home, or behind a car in a dimly lit parking garage, having a light can help one identify the threat and make an effective shot, Whitlock says.

Check out this Malkoff Devices flashlight review, or, if you’re looking for something that packs a little more punch, check out this review of the Fire Bolt stun gun flashlight.

[ NRA Women ]

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