Live shell from World War II found on Cape Cod beach

Live shell from World War II found on Cape Cod beach

The explosion seen from above. (Photo credit

Something unexpected washed ashore at Marconi Beach, Cape Cod Wednesday. Unexploded World War II ordnance.

Cape Cod beaches were used by the military as practice ranges during the War and to-date live shells and bombs work their way back to the beach. It’s not all that uncommon.

After a local fisherman discovered the 14-inch projectile police, the bomb squad and park rangers responded to the call. The bomb squad relocated the device to a remote section of the beach, roped off a 1,000-foot no-go zone and blew it to high hell.

The bomb squad determined that the ordnance was functioning and live before they destroyed it based on the color of the smoke generated by the explosion.

[Fox News]

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