James O'Keefe dresses like ‘Osama bin Laden’ to cross U.S.-Mexico border (VIDEO)

To show how the vulnerability of the border separating U.S. from Mexico, conservative activist James O’Keefe dressed like Osama bin Laden to cross into the U.S.

O’Keefe said he could look for miles in any direction and not spot a single Border Patrol Agent. At many points, the massive fence that separates the two countries suddenly stops and the barrier continues on in the form of a barbed wire fence.

To cross into the U.S. O’Keefe simply trudged across a 15-foot wide river. But if you don’t want to get your feet wet, there’s also an unguarded foot bridge, he says.

O’Keefe gained national attention for releasing video recordings, which he obtained surreptitiously, of  Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now workers in 2009. He posed as the boyfriend of a teenage prostitute to elicit damaging response from ACORN workers.

[ VeritasVisuals/YouTube ]

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