Prominent gamer gets 'swatted' during match (VIDEO)

In a brief and thankfully bloodshed-free face-off with the local SWAT team, a prominent Denver-area gamer experienced the violent prank of “swatting,” where an anonymous tipper phones in a false emergency report to use the police to screw with their target.

“I knew almost right away what exactly was happening,” said Jordan “Kootra” Mathewson to ABC News’ the Denver Channel. “But I was still frightened you know, having some guns pointed at you isn’t exactly the most common thing.”

“We hadn’t experienced [swatting] but we knew of people who had experienced it in the past,” Mathewson said. “It’s become an alarming new trend.”

In the video, Mathewson draws a nervous grin, and an officer asks “What about this is funny to you?”

“I’ve heard people say that I appear to be amused, but I really didn’t have any control over myself at the time,” Mathewson told ABC News. “I was just terrified and I really don’t know what was going through my head.”

“I don’t know what would drive somebody to do something like that, other than the fact that they get to kinda see the outcome live on the stream,” he said. “They get to see all this go down right before their eyes and, you know, it’s fun to them.”

What isn’t clear is if the police did not expect confrontation or if they just don’t like eye or ear protection.

[Tech Crunch]

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