Homeless vet to get proper burial thanks to efforts of fellow vet (VIDEO)

A 67-year-old Vietnam veteran who died homeless and alone in Kansas City last month will get a proper military burial thanks to the efforts of a fellow veteran who made sure he would be buried with the honor he deserves.

Eton Gilmore received a Purple Heart for wounds he sustained during the war. After returning home and while still in the Army, he drove a taxi, but eventually Gilmore ended up living in an abandoned house with no power, heat or water.

Maryannah Mosley, who also served in Vietnam, spends much of her time working with the area’s homeless population, knew Gilmore, and was saddened to learn of his death, but even more heartbroken when she discovered just how alone he was.

According to Mosley, Gilmore’s body stayed at the morgue for some time, with no one coming forward for him. Eventually Mosley had Gilmore’s body moved to a funeral home, but she lacked the finances to have him buried. So Mosley then made some calls and a spokesman with the VA assured her he would get the burial he deserved.

“He deserves number one a proper burial and the military to acknowledge his service and that would probably make him very happy,” Mosley told reporters.

Mosley rummaged through what appeared to be a pile of trash on the curb outside of the home where Gilmore was staying, but was actually the last personal affects of the veteran who served his country. Mosley said she’s unsure who moved Gilmore’s things to the curb.

[ Fox 4 ]

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