Suspect gets dose of karma after shooting kid in the neck (VIDEO)

One man got a fat dose of karma when he was shot in the neck while fleeing from the police. The shooting happened days after the suspect inadvertently shot an 8-year-old boy as he played outside of his home in Concord, California.

Joshua Brathwaite was playing outside last Friday, the day after his eighth birthday, when James Jarrard, a supposed friend of the family, became involved in a heated argument with another person.

During the course of the disagreement, Jarrard pulled out a pistol and fired. One of the bullets ricocheted off of the ground and struck Joshua in the neck. Jarrard immediately fled from the scene.

“It made me so angry — just, you need to come back. Just help me. You just shot my child. Help me,” recalled Sarah Barela, the child’s mother, of the moments after the shooting.

But Jarrard didn’t help, or even stop.

Little Joshua spent the next few days in the hospital, while authorities searched for Jarrard. Then, on Monday, officers found Jarrard, who led them on a brief chase. During the pursuit, Jarrard was shot in the neck.

“Now he has a bullet in the exact same spot he shot my son,” Barela noted.

Joshua was released from the hospital the same day Jarrard was apprehended. However, the boy still has the bullet lodged in his neck. Surgery will eventually be required to have it removed, but as for now, doctors say the little boy is just lucky to be alive.

[ NBC Washington ]

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