Shooting suspect fails to escape after losing glasses

A man accused of a shooting rampage throughout Maryland, last week was captured, in part, due to his bad eyesight.

Eulalio Tordil, 62, who was an officer with the Federal Protective Service for nearly 20 years, began his rampage on Thursday in Prince George’s County when he shot his estranged wife, Gladys, outside of a school as she waited for her daughters. The woman apparently had a protective order against Tordil, which was issued in March.

The killing spree continued as Tordil made his way into Montgomery County. However, during his final carjacking, the victim fought back and knocked off Tordil’s glasses. While Tordil got away, he didn’t get far, mainly because he couldn’t see well enough to drive.

An officer noticed the vehicle, with the license plate number matching a recent alert, stopped in a parking lot near where the last carjacking occurred.

Tordil was arrested and charged with multiple counts of first-first degree murder and attempted murder. By the end of the rampage, Tordil had killed a total of three people and injured another three, some of whom were bystanders coming to the aid of other victims.

Tordil is being held without bond.

[ The Washington Post ]

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