6 months into legal open carry in Texas: No problems reported (VIDEO)

During the legislative process to achieve open carry protections under the law in the Lone Star State, some forecast gun fights in the street. About that.

KVUE, an area ABC affiliate, reached out to the Austin and Dallas Police Departments, and sheriff’s offices in Hays County, Williamson County, Bastrop County, Bexar County and Harris County.

All reported little to no complaints from the public.

“As it turned out, we didn’t get any,” said Roger Wade with the Travis County Sheriff’s Office. “People were scared of people walking up carrying guns. What they don’t realize is, is that there are a lot of people carry guns, you have no idea are carrying guns,” said Wade.

Open Carry Texas responded to the KVUE report by posting,” Inconceivable! Law enforcement, democrats, ‪#‎gunsense‬ zealots, moms, students, professors, store owners, and Barney the Dinosaur all told us that open carry WOULD be a problem, that it would be the OK Corral, that it would scare, it would make us a target, felons would be carrying, it was a solution in search of a problem, and that cops couldn’t tell the good guys from the bad guys.”

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