Gun scare causes mass hysteria, stampede in NY subway (VIDEO)

A fight between two men on a Harlem subway Tuesday morning led to mass panic and people being crushed as they tried to escape after someone erroneously yelled, “He’s got a gun!”

As it turned out, no shots were fired, as nobody had a gun, but the thought of a gun on a crowded subway moved riders to what one witness described as pure chaos.

“There were people tripping. There were people getting trampled on. There was a little girl trying to get up the stairs, and her dad was covering her,” said Yael Leberman.

Another witness, Jessica Shockness, said she looked toward the back of the crowded subway car and everyone was trying to run to the front, yelling, “Get out! Get out of the car!”

One woman, who was not identified, talked with reporters after the incident and was still crying and distraught even though she knew at that point there was no gun and everyone was safe. She said as they all tried to run away, shoes and bags were flying everywhere.

Dr. Harris Stratyner said New Yorkers have become more sensitized following recent events.

“We have to be very cognizant that we’re living in a world that is dangerous, and we have to be aware of it,” Dr. Stratyner said.

But Stratyner also noted people can’t be paralyzed by fear.

“Then the bad guys win,” he said.

[ ABC 7 ]

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