Student suspended over ‘liking’ Instagram photo of airsoft gun (VIDEO)

Cincinnati News, FOX19-WXIX TV

A middle school student from Trenton, Ohio, was suspended for 10 days after he “liked” a photo of a gun on Instagram with the caption “ready,” only to have the decision later overturned.

The day after “liking” the photo, Zachary Bowlin arrived at Edgewood City School only to be called into the office, patted down and checked for weapons, then handed a suspension notice that cited, “The reason for the intended suspension is as follows: Liking a post on social media that indicated potential school violence.”

Zachary’s parents shared the notice on social media.

“I was livid, I mean, I’m sitting here thinking ‘you just suspended him for ten days for liking a picture of a gun on a social media site,” said Zachary’s father Marty Bowlin. “He never shared, he never commented, he never made a threatening post… anything on the site, just liked it.”

As it turned out, the gun in the photo was an airsoft gun. School officials determined there was no threat and overturned the prior decision to suspend Zachary.

School Superintendent Russ Fussnecker confirmed the school board has “zero tolerance” for violent, disruptive, harassing, intimidating, bullying, or any other inappropriate behavior by its students. Fussnecker also said any social media threats, which include “liking” posts that “potentially endangers the health and safety of students or adversely affects the educational process,” will be taken seriously.

[ Fox 19 ]

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