Business through the roof for Colorado company who started free gun promo (VIDEO)

A Colorado-based roofing company who started a “Get a Roof, Get a Gun” promotion last year is still offering the incentive and business is – literally – through the roof. In fact, Weatherproof Roofing and Exteriors is in the process of opening a second location in Texas.

Owner James Webb called the response to the promotion “overwhelming.” But, of course, the company doesn’t just send workers over to replace shingles and hand out guns. The process is completely legitimate, legal, and uses vouchers for a local gun club or sporting goods store.

“Everyone still has to go through the background check process and follow all the same guidelines as if they were a regular person going in to purchase a firearm,” Webb said.

Webb said customers who get a new roof will receive a gift card to be redeemed at the Centennial Gun Club. The card will cover all the costs involved in purchasing either an AR-15, a shotgun, or a handgun. And for those who don’t want – or need – a gun, the company offers them a $500 gift card to Cabela’s instead.

Webb said within the first two weeks of the promotion, they had around 200 people sign up, with about 70 redeeming their vouchers thus far.

[ 9 News ]

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