Fort Worth PD to hold first gun buyback in 8 years

gun buyback

For the first time in eight years, the Fort Worth Police Department is scheduled to hold a gun buyback event Saturday.

“If anyone has any type of weapons, that they want to get rid of, this is the perfect opportunity,” said Fort Worth Police Spokesman Daniel Segura.

Guns will be exchanged for a $50 gift card, with no questions asked.

Segura, who stressed the event is not meant to disarm anyone, said unused, unwanted guns can sometimes pose a danger, especially where children are concerned.

“We’ve seen cases where a child finds the gun in the closet, under the bed, in a shoe box… thinking that it might be a toy gun, they pull the trigger and then that child gets injured,” Segura said.

The buyback will be from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at the True Vine Baptist Church. Four future buybacks are planned, with details to come at a later date.

[ CBS ]

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