Glock launches annual #FollowTheFour gun safety pledge drive

Glock encourages gun owners to participate in the gun safety pledge by posting a picture to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. (Photo: Glock, Inc.)

Glock encourages gun owners to participate in #FollowTheFour by posting a picture to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. (Photo: Glock, Inc.)

Glock continues to push firearm safety, announcing the launch of the company’s annual safety pledge drive, #FollowTheFour movement.

The campaign coincides with June National Safety Month and strives to promote safe gun handling principles. Through a barrage of social media posts, the company is set to drive home the four basic safety principles of firearm handling — treat all firearms as if they are loaded, never point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to destroy, keep finger off trigger until ready to fire and be aware of your target and what’s beyond it.

The #FollowTheFour movement encourages gun owners to pledge their commitment to safe handling techniques by sharing a picture on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Sweetening the deal, participants will be entered into a prize drawing to win a Glock pistol.

“We believe that the first step to being a responsible gun owner is knowing how to handle your firearm safely” said Glock Vice President Josh Dorsey said in a statement.  “And as a firearms manufacturer and a leader in the industry, it is Glock’s first and foremost responsibility to teach and promote firearm safety to others.”

The #FollowTheFour campaign runs from June 1 to June 30.

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