Kids agree this guy’s the coolest cop in town


A neighborhood resource officer with the Spokane Police Department figured out a clever way to connect with kids – and others – in the community.

Officer Scott Hice, along with his dad, spent his days off creating a Batman costume and turning his patrol car into the Batmobile, which catches the eyes of kids, teens, and adults alike.

“That’s the best part. The kids get so excited,” said Hice, who serves as a resource officer for several schools in the area. “It’s not just the little kids, but that’s my favorite. They get the most exited. They really think I’m Batman and ask me if the Batmobile flies. But the junior high kids love it too and want to look out the bars like they’re getting arrested.”

Hice said the concept is timeless, one that all generations can connect to, and a great way to simply connect with people in the community.

“It was a way for them to build that community with our local law enforcement,” said Whitman Elementary Principal Jody Schmidt, noting that students don’t always have the most positive relationships with police. “For our kids, it was a really positive experience. The more they can interact with our law enforcement, the better relationships they build, and that’s a really great thing.”



[ ABC News ]

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