While speaking at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, President Joe Biden said he supported the Second Amendment, but...

In the speech on his "Safer America Plan," Biden told the crowd he owned guns and knew the right to keep and bear arms existed to a degree, saying, "I have two shotguns at home. I ca- — it’s a long story, but I’m not opposed to guns. But I support the Second Amendment. And I support the Second Amendment."

But make no mistake, he also stood firm on his long-held commitment to ban some of the most popular firearms in widespread circulation in the country. 

"We took on the NRA, and we’re going to take them on again. And we won. And we will win again. But we’re not stopping here. I’m determined to ban assault weapons in this country. Determined," he said, falling back to his key position while a Senator three decades ago when the 1994 Federal Assault Weapon ban passed, saying, "I did it once before, and I’ll do it again." 

The President stressed how important the upcoming mid-term elections, with control of both the U.S. House and Senate on the line, when it comes to continuing his anti-gun agenda. 

"Folks, it’s time to hold every elected official’s feet to the fire and ask them: 'Are for banning assault weapons? Yes or no.'  Ask them. If the answer is no, vote against them," said Biden. 


Related: Over 24.4 million AKs & ARs in Circulation 


It was the second time in as many weeks that Biden spoke on the topic, directly tying a potential future federal ban on "assault weapons" to this November's mid-terms. At a Democratic National Committee Grassroots Rally in Maryland on Aug. 25, Biden said bluntly,  "If we elect two more senators, we keep the House — and Democrats, we’re going to get a lot of unfinished business we’re going to get done. Folks, look, we’ll codify Roe v. Wade. We’ll ban — we’ll ban assault weapons." 


Gun control groups support Joe Biden
Anti-gun groups were quick to grab Biden's words and run with them, pointing to activism in November. 


Meanwhile, in Congress, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the octogenarian author of the original 1994 AWB now in her 7th term, quickly confirmed that the bi-partisan compromise gun control bill that passed in June was only a starting point when it came to the subject. 

"The bill enacted in June will help reduce gun violence, but it left out critical provisions. It failed to ban military-style assault weapons that are so often used in mass shootings," said Feinstein on Tuesday. "It failed to ban high-capacity ammunition magazines that allow shooters to kill so many people so quickly. It even failed to include a small, commonsense provision I introduced to raise the age to buy an assault rifle to 21. It is unfathomable that you can’t buy a handgun, or a beer, under the age of 21 but you can buy an AR-15."

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