We know finding the firearms you are allowed to own in California can be difficult, so Guns.com has done the hard work for you and put together a convenient collection of guns that are legal in the state of California. While we do our best to make sure this list stays as up to date as possible, please check your local laws and regulations as well before ordering your firearm(s).
And remember, when you shop here, you’re helping small, local businesses and supporting your second amendment rights. Guns.com is the best place to buy a firearm online, period, and you’ll always get exceptional service every step of the way.
Note: Laws and regulations can change, so you should always check the most up to date information from state and local officials.
To learn more about Firearms Rules and Regulations in the State of California, please visit the State of California, Department of Justice, Bureau of Firearms.
*All information is based on current regulations at the time of writing and is not a legal guide nor is it legal advice. Please refer to local, state, and federal regulations for the most up to date information.