This week on "Two Guys One Gun," the crew discusses one of the most iconic sub-gun platforms of all time.

The Heckler & Koch MP5, in its myriad of variants and dozens of clone offshoots, led the charge during the Cold War when it came to elevating the SMG platform from the risky and slapsticky open-bolt guns of WWII to something that offered the user precision and a bit of panache – cool guy mustache not included. 

However, the MP5, while legendary, is a bit long in the tooth these days and, when viewed against guns like the B&T APC9, can look a bit like the PCC we have at home. Nevertheless, you can't have the MP5 slap without the MP5, and the gun has never been more available – or loved – in its semi-auto format on the U.S. market than now. 

We tackle a bit of the history behind the famous German 9mm but dare to ask, "Is the king still on the throne?"



revolver barrel loading graphic
