Taking a look at the crude early Bushmasters (VIDEO)

The AR15-ish Bushmaster was a gas-piston 5.56mm design that was so basic it had painted wooden furniture– but it works.

Tim with the Military Arms Channel puts the collectible ersatz AR through its paces then breaks it down to show that the internals are really nothing at all like Mr. Stoner’s ArmaLite.

Bushmaster made these guns in Maine, which they marketed as “assault rifles” (srsly, see the image at the bottom) alongside their Arm Pistol– which Tim brings out as a bonus at about the 8:00 mark.

“They are cool pieces of history,” he says, before mounting a Magpul D60 to blend the 1970s with today.

That assaulty pic, for reference:

So yes, Bushmaster actually did make an "assault rifle"

So yes, Bushmaster actually did make an “assault rifle”

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